Saturday, December 12, 2009

MS SQL Server Managerment Objects (MS-SMO) - Using SMO

The SMO namespace is implemented as a .NET assembly using which you can include all SMO functionality in your .NET application. The SMO namespace is Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO and is located by default in “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\SDK\Assemblies” directory. It is installed with the client tools of SQL Server 2005 and requires Common Language Runtime (CLR) to be installed as well. The assemblies required to work with SMO in managed environment are:
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum
Other assemblies present in SMO can be used as and when required.

SMO can be used even in an unmanaged environment, as there exist the COM wrappers around the SMO classes. The SQLSMO.dll and SQLSMO.tlb files enable the SMO to be used with unmanaged code.

SMO Classes

The SMO Object Model Contains two types of classes: Instance Classes and Utility Classes. Each of them is discussed below in details.

Instance Classes

SMO Instance Classes contains the SMO Objects in a hierarchy that matches the hierarchy of a database server. At the top of the hierarchy is the Server Instance class that represents a SQL Server instance, and under it there are other classes in hierarchy representing the other objects of the database such as databases, tables, columns, indexes, stored procedures, etc.

A sample hierarchy of Instance Classes is depicted in the figure below:

Utility Classes

SMO Utility Classes are meant for performing some specific task, being independent of the SQL Server Instance. Lists of tasks, which can be performed using these utility classes, are:

  • Generate Database Scripts
  • Backup / Restore Databases
  • Transfer Database Schema between database instances
  • Administering the Database Mail subsystem
  • Administering the SQL server Agent
  • Administering the Service Broker
  • Administering the Notification Services

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thank you iPhone & Android Access Bollywood users!!

It’s been nearly a week since we launched the Bollywood gossip app “Access Bollywood” on iPhone and Google Android. Darshana and I are pretty impressed with the adoption of the app in the market place. Thanks for downloading the app!!

During such short time we also received quite a number of feedback on the app with request for new features/ enchantments. Thank you iPhone and Android users for such an awesome feedback. Please keep giving us feedback to make the app to better meet your needs. We are working hard to get the requested features out; hopefully the app is approved quickly ;)

Special Thanks to AndoridHD who made a really cool video of Access Bollywood.

Thanks for your support guys!

Stay tuned with us on Twitter
