Monday, August 24, 2009

Naming Conventions for SQL Server 2005

Simple rules for naming Objects in SQL Server 2005:
  1. Do not use any spaces in object names: With SQL Server it is possible to have such names by enclosing these in square brackets [and], but are not recommend as you may miss them out and end up in failure quite often.
  2. Avoid using reserved words: Even if the word you use doesn't cause an error, it will still cause confusion when someone is editing code and Query Analyzer applies color highlighting to table or column names.
  3. Start object names with a letter: Several applications like Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, DTS, VBScript, Visual Studio may cause problems when accessing objects with name starting from numbers.
  4. Keep names short but meaningful: This is self-explanatory and fairly logical, as there may be table name either ridiculously long, making it cumbersome both to type and to commit to memory, or abbreviated to the point of utter confusion. "SlQ" is too short. "SalesFiguresForCompanyByFiscalQuarter" is just silly.
  5. Avoid Hungarian notation*: The name of the object should make it pretty obvious what type of data it contains, and if for some reason it does not, then there is always the metadata tables and/or the documentation you should have written when designing the system. Using datatype-style prefixes for columns like IContactID (integer) and VEmail (varchar) not only make the column names harder to read, they also make them less flexible.
  6. Use CamelCasing instead**: Using a standard convention like CameCase for naming all the objects can help in maintaining consistency in object names.
  7. Use the dbo. Prefix: When you are logged in as a non-dbo user, and you create a table without giving it an owner prefix, other users won't see it, because it is stored in the system as you.objectName instead of dbo.objectName. If you consistently use the dbo. prefix, you will eliminate the possibility of creating the same object name twice, with different owner names.

*Hungarian notation:
Hungarian notation is a naming convention in computer programming, in which the name of a variable indicates its type or intended use. In Hungarian notation, a variable name starts with one or more lower-case letters which are mnemonics for the type or purpose of that variable, followed by whatever the name the programmer has chosen


CamelCase is a writing convention in which words are combined by taking out the spacing in between and capitalizing the first letter of each word, such as CamelCase. The name is derived from the idea of the capital letters being reminiscent of humps on a camel's back. The CamelCase convention is used in computer systems in which naming require words to be contiguous. With CamelCase, words are readily distinguished and names more easily read.

Naming Conventions for SQL 2005:

*Do not use prefix sp_ for stored procedures. SQL Server searches for system stored procedures first when it encounters the sp_ prefix. Another reason- if Microsoft decides to rename all system stored procedures using the prefix to identify the system stored procedures, yours too would get renamed (since it has the same prefix) causing your application to fail.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Setting-up T-Mobile Data Service on iPhone

Today i was trying to get my t-mobile data service on iPhone. Well let me tell you it is small processes. I called up t-mobile and told them that i need to get data service on iPhone. The representative transferred me to special technical support.

The special technical support rep Jacie Ross, told me that data service will cost $24.99 on iPhone. Once i accepted the fees, she went through the below steps and there my data service was switched on right away. Also with this data service i can now access any T-mobile hot-spots on my phone and laptop for free. isnt that awesome. its definitely has value.

  1. From the Main Menu, tap Settings.
  2. Verify that Wi-Fi is set to Off or Disabled -- this will ensure that no wi-fi signals are interfering with your Internet access. To take advantage of local wi-fi at a later time, feel free to go back and turn this setting On; just make sure to turn it Off again when you are done using the wi-fi network.
  3. Tap General Settings, then tap Network.
  4. Turn Data Roaming On -- this will allow your iPhone to locate T-Mobile’s data network.
  5. If you see a setting for 3G, turn it Off -- the iPhone cannot currently connect to T-Mobile’s 3G network, and this setting will interfere with its attempt to connect to our EDGE network for service.
  6. Tap Cellular Data Network (this setting may be labeled EDGE instead).
  7. In the APN field, enter -- this tells T-Mobile which version of our Internet network you want to connect to.
  8. Leave the Username and Password fields blank -- T-Mobile will assign this information based on your SIM card information.
  9. Return to the Main Menu and open Safari to browse the Internet.

Note: if you are taking you sim card from a blackberry (with data service) and insert into the iPhone, the data service will not work. You need to get the $24.99 plan, and t-mobile will close your blackberry/other data service plan. Your log-in info for t-mobile hot-spot: your ten digit number and password: last 4 of your social.

Thanks to T-mobile Support representative Jaice Ross, she was very kind, very helpful and made me valuable for being a t-mobile customer. I like t-mobile customer support!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Connecting to .NET web service from Android

If you are having trouble using .NET Web Services with the Android Platform, you have probably reached to the solution here.

I am here demonstrating the steps using which you can consume data from the .NET web service in your android app. In order to use .Net web Service from your android application you need to first download the ksoap2 android API. Follow the link to download ksoap2 API for android.

After downloading the API, extract the zip file to the file system. Open your Android Project and navigate to the Project Properties. In the project properties go to Java Build Path and say Add External JARs.

Add the reference to the extracted ksoap2-j2se-full-2.1.2.jar file from the downloaded API. You are now ready to use ksoap2 to connect to the .NET web service via Android.

Let’s assume a .NET web service with two methods “Hello World” that returns a string and “Add” that accepts two numbers and returns their sum. Following is the WSDL file of the web service.

From the above WSDL file we get the following Information about the web service:
  • NameSpace: http://localhost/TestWebService/
  • Web Service URl: http://TestServer/Test/Service.asmx
  • Method “Hello World” SoapAction URL: http://localhost/TestWebService/HelloWorld
  • Method “Hello World” Output Type: String
  • Method “Add” SoapAction URL: http://localhost/TestWebService/Add
  • Method Hello World Input Type: Int, Int
  • Method Hello World Output Type: Int
In order to use this Web Service with our android app:
  1. Open the java file from where you would like to access the Web Service

  2. Include the class library for ksoap2

    import org.ksoap2.*;
    import org.ksoap2.serialization.*;
    import org.ksoap2.transport.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.Text;

  3. Define Web Service Properties in the class

    private static final String NAMESPACE = "http://localhost/TestWebService/" ;
    private static final String URL = " http://TestServer/Test/service.asmx";
    private static final String HelloWorld_SOAP_ACTION = "http://localhost/TestWebService/HelloWorld";
    private static final String METHOD_NAME1 = "HelloWorld";
    private static final String Add_SOAP_ACTION = "http://localhost/TestWebService/Add";
    private static final String METHOD_NAME2 = "Add";

  4. Add methods to call the web service methods and retrieve the results

    public void GetHelloWorld() {

    SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME1);
    SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope =
    new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
    envelope.dotNet = true;
    HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);

    {, envelope);
    java.lang.String receivedString = (String)envelope.getResponse();

    catch(Exception e)

    public void GetAdd() {

    SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME2);

    PropertyInfo num1 = new PropertyInfo();

    PropertyInfo num2 = new PropertyInfo();

    SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope =
    new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
    envelope.dotNet = true;
    HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);

    {, envelope);
    java.lang.Integer receivedInt = (Integer)envelope.getResponse();

    catch(Exception e)


  5. If you app require access to an array, you can use the following code:

    ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();
    {, envelope);
    java.util.Vector<Object> receivedStrings = (java.util.Vector<Object>)envelope.getResponse();
    if(receivedStrings != null)
    for(Object curStrings : receivedStrings)
    catch(Exception e)

I hope the above steps helps you if this is what you are looking for.